1.) Over the past few years one of the great financial innovations created was Mortgage Backed Securities (MBS.) What you do is the following:
2.) Of course, back when, all these people with no income and no assets got a mortgage. Makes sense if I'm the small bank. I do the mortgage, sell it to the big bank. If they are too dumb to buy it, not my problem. The big banks... well, they just bundle it all together, slice it up, hope all goes well and sell it to someone else. Not their problem anymore.
3.) Now all those NINA (no income, no assets) people start to default on their mortgages. Surprise!!! The big bank gets the house and tries to sell it. But people are defaulting on mortgages left and right. Everyone who wanted a house got a house and everyone who can't pay for it is defaulting. No one wants to take the house off the big bank's hands.
4.) Of course for the owner of the small pots of money that sucks. More people than I thought are defaulting on the mortgages (so I don't get as much money every month) and the collateral they leave behind is worthless, too.
5.) Okay fine, Ima try to sell my MBSs. But EVERYONE owns these securities. They become worth ever less.
6.) If you're a big bank that owns a ton of these MBSs the value of all your asset drops. But the government requires you to have a certain amount of assets in the basement just in case someone comes and wants to withdraw all their money. But now you don't have that anymore. So either you have to sell off business units or... or who knows.
7.) Except for no one wants to buy your stuff now b/c everyone else owns the mortgage backed securities and is strapped for cash.
8.) Okay, so the first thing I, a big bank, stop doing is lending out money to businesses. I have no idea who else owns how much of this stuff and isn't going to pay me back.
9.) And that's what Ben Bernanke means when he says that the arteries of the economy are frozen.
So fast-forward to a year later. We're possibly slowly recovering. Everyone has been slapped on the fingers, and a lot of big banks are still hurting (not to mention the rest of the us.) How do I, as a big bank, make up for all the losses, all the jobs lost, all the bonuses forgone? Oh, easy!
The NYT reports:Wall Street Pursues Profit in Bundles of Life Insurance
Ummmm.... seems like a great idea? You bundle all these payments, slice them up, sell them to a ton of peop.... errrrr....
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