Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The NY Times Needs to get a copyreader

This is from an article that I just came across on the NYT via the Huffington Post (from, like, a year ago):

A little more than a month later, the funds, filled with some of the most explosive and high-risk securities available, imploded, evaporating $1.6 billion of investor assets and setting off a financial chain reaction that has rattled global markets, caused more than $350 billion in write-downs, cost a number of executives their jobs and culminated in the demise of Bear Stearns itself.

The Times needs a copy-reader. "[T]he funds, filled with some of the most explosive [...] securities available, imploded"? Imploding is the exact opposite of exploding. Unless, of course, the securities were highly explosive but failed to deliver and the whole thing just imploded instead.

Ahhh.... the joys of stickling on a Wednesday morning....

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